Monthly Archives: March 2014

Mounting VMDK files in Linux

Very useful!

RAM Slack - Random Thoughts from a Computer Forensic Examiner

Hello everyone!

Well it’s been a while since I’ve posted and I apologize for that.  I do have some ideas for posts “in the hopper” but I haven’t had a chance to sit down and really work on them.  I’m hoping with some “life changes” coming up this year I’ll have the opportunity to write more.  But we’ll see.

Anyway, I was looking for an easy way to mount VMDK files on my Linux box so I could do forensic analysis on the images.  Similar to how I’ve done things in the past with E01 files.  I didn’t really want to image the VM and then analyze it, since most of the time I’m using VM’s for testing.

So this will be short and sweet, but first a couple of caveats:

1) I have not tested this against split VMDK files yet, but I’m thinking it should work.

2) I…

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